This flower filled design brings to life the best of the border planting style with a unique twist. Profusions of blooms span both full shade to full sun zones. The pastel colors flow across adding scent and movement to the garden.
Installer: Vista Landscaping
Location: Sonoma, CA
This Sonoma landscape is chalk full of flowers. A long backyard lawn surrounded by heavily planted flower beds. We kept everything to a tight color scheme of pink, lavender, white and light blue. This flower filled design spans from full sun to full shade.
Let’s talk more about the rose garden. We filled the archway with both white and pink Eden roses. In the front are Winchester Cathedral and behind are Rigosas. Then along the fence we have a half dozen unique climbers such as Cecil Brunner, Sally Holmes and Lady of Shallot.
Here we had a challenge, we wanted to create a carpet of flowers in full shade. We expanded the bed out to allow for a mixed border of perennial and annual shade loving plants. Using a combination of Hydrangeas, Astilbe and Impatiens.
There are a couple of incredible specimens in this garden one of which is Cornus kousa ‘Wolf Eyes’. This variegated Dogwood tree has a gorgeous bloom with star shaped blossoms.