Project Spotlight: Outdoor Living

Have you ever wanted a little bit of everything but worried it might not look good?

This project has some great take aways on how to bring together a cohesive landscape while getting all the experiences you want in your own backyard.


1) We start with a list

This is the time to get down all of your daily needs and dreams. Check out of our worksheet for more information on where to start with that. Dream big here, go with all the things you love doing and enjoy outdoors. On this project our list looked something like this.

  • Mediterranean and colorful

  • Different landscape rooms and spaces

  • Pool Lounge Area with a beach, dune style area

  • Secrete Garden

  • Edible Olives for eating and oil.


  • Vegetable Gardens and Orchards

  • Fall Color


2) Then we blocked it out

Take the time to block out the rough areas that you can use for the items on your dream list. In this case we combined a few things together we spread others around.

In this case we had eight unique zones, each serves a function, has a look and feel to it and creates a sequence of events as you progress into the landscape.


3) Delve into Details

Where do you want the paths, the lawn and the different pieces that make up your dream areas. What infrastructure are you going to need? Hardscape, Plants and furniture?

We delved deep into a space that bridges from the Beach to the Tropical Desert. The pool area has it all here, a bit of lawn, a sandy beach and a coral reef of succulents.

Laura Bassett1 Comment